Help Request

IT Services, Los Angeles, CA

Monitor your home from the internet
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If you're looking for a new computer guy you can totally rely on, LAComputerBuddy's most likely the one for you. They've been our family's computer service, tech advisors, and parts company for about a decade. Bill Curran, founder and head honcho, is expert in solving every conceivable problem we've encountered: Our computer buddy and his staff have saved our memory when our drives have crashed, replaced drives, resurrected dying operating systems, and performed emergency surgery when our computers have been badly damaged. They've set up home networks, installed Tivos, set up audio recording software and gotten each of our new computers over the past decade up, running, and talking up a storm on the Internet. Their rates are reasonable. Service is swift, generally addressing problems within a couple of business days, and even faster during emergencies. LAComputerBuddy has provided well-functioning, reasonably priced parts, expert technical advice and assistance, and skilful service on every problem large and small.
-David M.
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