Help Request

IT Services, Los Angeles, CA


Our company grew from 3 to 50 employees in a span of 18 months. The original computer company I hired to handle our computer needs was not geared to support the growth of our business. I became frustrated with my computer vendor and began an exhaustive search for a new company who could support our needs. A business colleague gave me the name of Bill Curran at L.A. Computer Buddy and told me they could get the job done. I met with Bill and explained the issues I was having and he assured me his company could fix all of the problems in a very short period of time. I eventually hired Bill and he has done an excellent job of supporting our company. He has set up a solid infrastructure to support our future growth. Bill takes his business very seriously and he has been a great addition to our company. I consider Bill and his staff an instrumental part of our business success. I highly recommend Bill Curran and L.A. Computer Buddy to any size business.

-Luis M.
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